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Shannon Toe

Supercharge Your Search

Searching and filtering in Runn just got better. Learn about what's changing and how you can take your searches to the next level!

Well the time has finally come. Our trusty ol' search bar has had a facelift!

Over the years, Runn has evolved bit by bit and undergone a massive transformation in its UI. However, our search bar is one of the only things that has hardly changed since it was introduced in early 2019!

So, what’s changing?

With our new and improved search, you can combine a bunch of filters to narrow down your projects and people displayed on the planner. Find exactly what and who you’re looking for!

You’ll be able to filter your projects by:

  • Starred projects
  • Clients
  • Project tags
  • Primary project teams
  • People
  • People teams

And you’ll be able to filter your people by:

  • Starred people
  • Role
  • People tags
  • People teams
  • Employment relationship
  • Name
  • Project

How do I use them?

  1. Click the Filter button on the Planner
  2. Pick a filter and select your filter option(s)

Filter logic

OR Logic

Select multiple options within a single filter category. You cannot do an OR search across different categories

e.g. Searching for people with Angular, Rails or React tags.

AND Logic

Use multiple filter categories.

e.g. Searching for projects with Website and Mobile App tags.

Saving filters

To save your filters and use them again later, click on the Save button. Give the filter an easily identifiable name.

For more information, check out this help doc.

Happy filtering!

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