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Mae Angeline

6 Indispensable Tips to Help You Improve Team Dynamics

The best teams are more than the sum of their parts. But how can you coach a team to be their best? Dive into our discussion of team dynamics for some top tips.

John C. Maxwell famously said, "teamwork makes the dream work" – and research shows it's more than just a clever phrase. According to a study by Zippia, collaboration increases productivity by 36% and sales by 27%, compared to working individually. Brilliant ideas and groundbreaking products have all been made through team efforts which is the spirit behind thriving companies.

However, not all teams share the same positive and productive vibe. In fact, Zippia also found that 92% of work-related stress is due to poor interactions within the team, which can disrupt the flow of work and leave projects at a standstill.

So the big question is: how do you make sure your team is set up to flourish and thrive, rather than dissolve into disagreement and dissent? The answer lies in the knowledge and implementation of team dynamics.

In this article, we're going to break down the topic of team dynamics, and what you can do to improve the dynamics of your team, foster collaboration, and maximize productivity.

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What are team dynamics?

Team dynamics are the unconscious psychological factors impacting the way a team behaves, interacts, and performs.

A team that has positive interactions, open communication, and collaborative efforts, are likely to work together to achieve their team goals. Conversely, a team that is characterized by negative interactions, passive-aggressive communication, and undermining one another's efforts, is going nowhere fast.

Team dynamics are an interesting field of research for social psychologists. Studies show that group norms are quickly established within a team to determine what behavior is acceptable and unacceptable. Members of a group are likely to take on different roles and behave differently within the group, compared to when they are acting alone.

What do effective team dynamics look like?

Good team dynamics are critical for project success. Effective or positive team dynamics help to streamline project activities and steer the whole team towards a common goal. A strong leader identifies differences between team members and develops strategies to channel these differences into amicable collaboration to enhance productivity.

Here are some examples of effective team dynamics:

Clearly defined roles and responsibilities

When roles are clearly defined, everyone has a sense of responsibility towards their share of the work. This fosters positive interactions based on transparency and accountability.


When team members can communicate frequently and openly, it's easier for them to express their challenges, issues, and feedback.

Mutual respect

Effective team dynamics enhance team members' trust and respect amongst themselves and their leaders. These attributes build a sense of safety which encourages everyone to contribute to discussions, leading to diverse opinions and innovative ideas. In addition, people respect each other even amid strong disagreements.

Shared goals

Significant success is achieved when every team member focuses and works toward realizing a shared goal.

Constructive criticism and willingness to correct mistakes

A successful team understands the importance of learning from past mistakes as it forges for future success. Such a team avoids non-constructive criticism, accepts correction, and agrees to adopt better ideas.

Knowledge sharing

Team members share knowledge and give the observations and feedback requested by their team leader.

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What are the benefits of positive team dynamics?

Good group dynamics lead to high-quality results, as each player receives social support from other group members, and is more motivated even on challenging tasks. Each group member relentlessly builds on their strengths and improves their weaknesses resulting in an optimal performance.

Positive dynamics in group situations also enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Members can think individually and develop innovative ideas to handle projects successfully.

Finally, positive team dynamics improve engagement and retention, as they keep team members committed and optimistic even during difficult situations.

Do poor team dynamics impact performance?

Poor team dynamics have a huge impact on group performance. They hinder creativity, innovation, and productivity. Poor dynamics can also lead to unproductive conflict, disruption of workflow, and a tendency to settle on poor decisions, all of which can lower performance.

Some of the warning signs of poor team dynamics include:

  • Lack of accountability: Members refuse to take responsibility for their performance and don't care how that affects the team's overall progress.
  • Poor communication: People are insensitive to their language, especially during disagreements.
  • Lack of respect: Disrespect among team members, colleagues, or even people walking out of meetings.
  • Lack of balance: In groups with poor dynamics, you may find some people are doing all the work while others appear not to be interested in contributing.

So, how can you improve team dynamics?

Improving team dynamics can be an in-depth and lengthy process for a new and veteran leadership position. However, the following tips will help you promote good team dynamics for better work performance and an improved bottom line.

1. Create a team culture

It is essential to establish a workplace where employees feel valued and relevant. A team may consist of people with diverse skills, potential, and weaknesses, all of which contribute to developing excellent or poor group dynamics.

To enhance team culture, use team-building exercises and encourage each person to share their opinions freely. This will strengthen relationships among individual team members and enable new colleagues to blend in seamlessly.

Celebrating occasions with your team members can also enhance a positive culture of inclusion. For example, you can use such platforms to update employees on company milestones, congratulate them, and allow them to share personal accomplishments. You can also allow a question and answer session to encourage positive communication, collaboration, and creativity.

2. Define roles and responsibilities

To enhance team effectiveness, everyone needs to understand their roles and responsibilities. This will help to build focus, keep your team organized, and minimize conflict. In addition, you can use team topologies to manage employees for effective collaboration to achieve team goals and company objectives.

You can also define behavioral and outcome expectations, which helps keep the team accountable while curbing underperformance and extreme behavior. Other expectations may include skills or knowledge sharing, communicating with dignity and respect, feedback, and conflict resolution procedures.

Reminding people of what's expected can motivate them and keep them focused.

3. Build communication

Good communication skills are a crucial ingredient to solid leadership. You need to communicate effectively with your team and encourage open communication with each other for successful collaboration.

Respectful communication creates a sense of belonging among members since everyone gets a chance to be heard, and their voice is valued. The psychological safety that this creates enables your team to speak their opinions honestly.

You should update members about project changes and other news to enhance healthy communication. You can schedule on-site team interaction sessions and occasional meetings to check how everyone is getting along, and combine various communication channels to achieve specific communication goals. Examples of forms you can invest in are:

  • Emails
  • File-sharing tools such as Google Drive or Dropbox
  • Messaging tools such as Slack and Telegram
  • Video conferencing networks such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams

Whichever form of communication you choose, ensure that everyone has opportunity to contribute. If the team shows excessive deference, it could be a sign that they are not comfortable to disagree with you, and you may not be hearing their true opinions.

4. Get to know them personally

As a leader, it's important to know each person in your team on an individual level. This helps you manage your growing team effectively and mindfully to accomplish your objectives. In addition, it enables you to reward team members appropriately for their contributions, set a plan for team development, and give you a better ground when dealing with accountability issues.

Some people feel it's a sign of weak leadership to appear to care about their team members, but research shows it increases staff engagement, which in turn improves dynamics and performance.

5. Solve problems between group members quickly

Disagreements happen, even in successful teams, but spotting the issues and solving them in time can help prevent them from developing into complex problems. For instance, if a team member adopts unacceptable behavior, it'll be helpful to correct it quickly and kindly before it becomes a habit and causes irreparable damage with other team members.

Interpersonal conflicts can also arise when working in a group. These disputes can deteriorate members' relationships and affect their performance if left unaddressed. You can approach these problems by encouraging an open dialogue about the conflict, offering mediation, or using appropriate resources to reach amicable resolutions.

6. Monitor the dynamics

After making changes to improve your team's dynamics, you should regularly check for possible setbacks that may threaten your team's cohesion and decrease their productivity.

To maintain good dynamics, you should observe the team and be ready to correct, guide, and offer training whenever required. Requesting feedback can help you determine whether everyone is satisfied with your leadership and how you can do it better.

When managing cross-functional or diverse teams with different experience and skill sets, you'll need to enhance positive group dynamics so that the diversity of the team members strengthens the teams rather than bringing discord.

Say hello to high-performing teams

Positive team dynamics are a common feature of high-performing teams, while poor dynamics are a recipe for low-performing teams. Learn how team members interact and be aware of each person's strengths and weaknesses, so you can enhance the dynamics of your team and mitigate problems before they arise.

Instilling positive dynamics in your team is a product of good leadership. You should provide direction, encourage open dialogue, create a sense of safety, and combine these factors to maximize productivity – so that your team and your business can celebrate their next win!

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