Transparent Global Pay (TGP)

Local Pay Estimates

Quickly look up an estimate of your pay as a Runn employee in local currency

If you country isn't listed, we'll calculate this value during your interview process.

Graduate Junior Intermediate
Contractor (USD) 48,500 58,000 77,000
New Zealand 75,000 90,000 120,000
Australia 61,000 73,000 97,500
USA 34,000 43,000 60,000
Canada 56,000 68,000 93,000
UK 33,500 40,500 54,000
Germany 36,000 43,500 58,500
Poland 171,000 206,000 275,000
Denmark 313,500 381,000 515,000
131,000 158,500 213,500
India 3,656,500 4,383,500 5,837,500

Senior I Senior II Senior III
Contractor (USD) 95,000 115,000 135,000
New Zealand 150,500 179,000 210,500
Australia 122,000 145,500 171,000
USA 77,500 94,000 112,500
Canada 118,500 143,000 169,500
UK 68,000 81,000 95,000
Germany 75,000 91,500 110,500
Poland 346,000 413,000 486,000
Denmark 653,000 784,000 925,500
270,000 323,500 381,500
India 7,329,500 8,745,000 10,275,500


Runn’s Transparent Global Pay is based on two core principles:
1. All salaries at transparent and set
2. Runn will spend the same to employ someone regardless of where they are in the world

The first part is relatively simple:
You will be offered a set salary, which Runn works to ensure is competitive in the global market. We regularly increase and adjust the base pay, and adjust it for all staff at once. We also provide automatically increase salaries for every year of service at level, the increase the same for all staff.

The second is more complex:
Runn will spend the same amount to employ you regardless of where you are from.

The cost to employ someone differs in each country based on a number of factors outside of our control. We calculate these on a country by country basis as required and will share this with applicants during the interviews process.

The above table is an estimate based on current employees. The final result will depend on a number other factors however you can consider the lists amount as guide.

Why Transparent Global Pay?

Runn has created our TGP structure to ensure that everyone working at Runn is valued equally.

We are unable to control the costs to employ people in every country and we don’t agree with people being valued less based on their location.

Therefore we controlled for the only factor we can, what it costs Runn to employ someone anywhere in the world.

We believe this provides the fairest balance to our staff.

For employees, it means that you can move to another country and Runn won’t have to worry about if the cost to employ that person increases. 

For job applicants, they can each decide if pay is fair for them, based on their personal situation and local environment.

For Runn it means we can hire anywhere in the world and the only thing we need to consider is if someone is right for the role.

Unfortunately, some countries have high costs to employ and this may mean won't be competitive in those countries. However through transparency everyone is better off.

Transparent Global Pay